Start Your Growth Now!
We can answer your questions and see if we can help you grow your business without a lot of extra work from you.
I couldn't believe how simple a process this is with the nice concierge, Kevin helping me. I was able to make all my decisions and now I have everything in place for my children. I have peace of mind now!
Mary R.
Cincinnati, OH
Now I feel I can finally rest easy knowing I have everything in place.
John D.
Tampa, FL
I was able to help my client get this estate plan done and now it has led to several annuity and life sales and referrals to their adult children.
Bill S., Agent
Phoenix, AZ
The concierge kept me in the loop the entire way. And the trust funding zoom call was incredible. I would have never been able to get their detailed asset picture until that meeting!
Darrell P., Agent
Louisville, KY
Absolutely not! Our estate plan software concierges are certified and licensed to operate our software. Any legal questions can be handled properly by licensed attorneys. Should there be any need to incorporate something out of the ordinary, we have the legal team to draft supplements to the estate plan.
Absolutely not! We provide attorney drafted documents that covers a client's last will and testament, living will/advanced directives, financial and healthcare powers of attorney, revocable living trust, and guardianship for any minor children. The trust, while an important piece to estate planning, is not the focus of our program.
We have been in the estate planning world for about ten years, providing the most widely used estate planning software platform in the country; used by estate planning professionals and attorneys. This is our full-time focus - to help professionals like you provide the best estate planning service to your clients.
When you refer your client to one of our concierge agents, they will conduct the discovery call to determine how we can help your client develop their comprehensive estate plan. When they pay their fee of $1995, you will be paid your commission of $400.
Simple as that!
You are an important piece to the process. The final meeting with the client is the trust funding meeting where you and the client will be on a zoom call with the concierge to go over their assets and fund the trust appropriately.
Perfect. Ask them, "when is the last time you updated it?" Chances are not in a long time. We have the ability to "restate" their current estate plan while updating it to their current needs, consolidating their will and all their other documents into one document, upload it into an encrypted cloud where they can make changes whenever they want without the need for an attorney or the fees they charge.
Which aspect of our Estate Plan are you interesting in?
Revocable Living Trust
Living Will/Adv Directives
Financial Power of Attorney
Health Care Power of Attorney
HIPAA Waiver
Last Will and Testament
Guardianship for Children
Trust for a Special Needs Child